TOSS Arts Alive Summer Program will open your imagination, enrich your knowledge and be a fun five-weeks in May and June. TOSS is an open educational and cultural center in Jaipur for life-long learners of all ages. Arts Alive Summer programs are geared for children and youth beginning at age three and continuing into the late teens. Individuals can discover their creative abilities and engage with new knowledge, interaction with professionals and community events, awakening imagination and fostering positive change.
TOSS offers multi-disciplinary creative courses, grouped by age, 3 – 5, 6 – 9, 10 – 12, and 13 above. Courses are developed with lesson plans and learning outcomes to ensure participants have rich experiences. Parent focus groups assist TOSS in finding courses of interest to children and youth. TOSS is open to suggestions for new and advanced courses, as part of their commitment to increase participant’s opportunities. Photography, dance, singing, making musical instruments, writing, sketching and even doodling, the choice is enchanting. A resourceful and diverse faculty bring a wealth of experience to the Arts Alive Summer Program at TOSS.